Just a short post to let you all know that in the early hours of 2nd of September, the 400-year old farm building 'Lötschmüllerhof' burnt to the ground. Amazingly nobody got hurt and even the oxen that could not be freed in time survived the inferno without a scratch! The best proof that angels watch over stubborn oxen too. Luckily, the apartment we live in has very little damage. However, our lovely land-lord and land-lady (our additional parents) lost everything, but have now taken up residency in one of the other apartments. Not exactly home, but still theirs. Making sure that they are okay takes presidency over running my business. I am sure you will all understand. However, workshops and courses will run as normal. Maybe interrupted for an important phone call or emptying out the washing machine (my small Miele is the only one functioning at the moment). Here are pictures of what the farmstead looks like at the moment. Video footage and pictures of the inferno can be found online when you type 'Bad Bayersoien' into the news section of Google. We have been very impressed with the many men and women fire fighters, neighbours, red cross and THW who came so unselfishly to our aid. And so a new chapter begins. But with this amazing group of people I am sure we will do it!
3/9/2017 11:40:58
Dreadful experience !!! My best wishes for a fast "recovery" for you all !!!
3/9/2017 11:45:47
Thank you! We would be most grateful for the aweful smell to subside...
3/9/2017 16:51:01
Ha Jessica, wat zal dat schrikken geweest zijn! Sterkte voor jullie allemaal!
3/9/2017 12:34:12
Jeetje Jessica ik werd wakker van de sirene vrijdagnacht en kwam bij toeval langs zaterdag na de ammerrundweg gelopen te hebben. Wat n zooi. Maar idd petje af voor de brandweer en consorten wat werk al dat smeulende hooi. Wat n geluk dat jij niet getroffen bent. Je ziet me maandagmorgen. Waar precies? Links van t geblakerde huis? Ben blij iets gehoord te hebben.
3/9/2017 13:09:08
Hallo Annelot, je moet aan de achterkant zijn van de uitgebrande boerderij. Mijn woning is nog prima en de studio heeft ook niets. Tot morgen om 10 uur!
Christine Stewart
3/9/2017 13:40:53
The damage looks devastating, my heart goes out to all of you who have been affected and I hope that things can speedily return to some sense of normalcy.
Mary Z in NYC
3/9/2017 14:30:29
Oh Jessica, that's terrible. Thank goodness there was no loss of life. I hope all goes well as you all recover from the fire.
3/9/2017 17:07:14
Hoi Jessica, wat ziet dat er triest uit maar wat een geluk dat jullie allemaal ongedeerd zijn. Sterkte.
3/9/2017 17:42:23
Oh Jessica wat een vreselijk nieuws heel erg voor deze lieve mensen. Ik heb daar zulke mooie foto's gemaakt en dan te bedenken dat ze alles kwijt zijn. het is een groot geluk dat niemand ook de dieren niet gewond zijn geraakt. Ik wens jullie heel veel sterkte als er iets is dat ik voor jou of je buren kan betekenen laat het gerust even weten. Veel sterkte om in deze chaos les te geven en het hoofd koel te houden, liefs Hans en Mabel
5/9/2017 08:32:43
Dank je wel Mabel! Je herkent het hier niet meer terug. Ik heb ineens zo veel lcht in m'n keuken. Echt heel erg vreemd. Patrice is nu een brood aan het bakken; de beste remedie tegen die vreselijke brandlucht!
3/9/2017 18:03:39
Dear dear Jessica, what terrible news. I'm so glad nobody got hurt and that your flat was spared from the fire. But it must be devastating for your dear friends to loose their homes like this. You are all in my thoughts and heart. I wish you courage and great energy for the coming weeks. Big hug,
Maria Mulder
3/9/2017 18:33:49
Gelukkig zijn er geen slachtoffers . Heel veel sterkte gewenst Jessica.
Kate Miller
3/9/2017 18:38:04
You truly have a few angels watching over all of you. I'm so sorry for your life disruption but at least you have each other. Everything else can be replaced in time. Hug each other and be kind to each other as the stresses arise as you all move forward.
Jo Wootton
3/9/2017 18:45:37
Hi Jessica,
Terry Clarke
3/9/2017 19:49:26
This is such sad news to hear of this tragic loss of the beautiful 400-year old farm building. I remember when you first moved to the farm, and how excited you were. I am so sorry for the loss you and your landlords have suffered. A long clean-up effort and rebuild is ahead of your landlords.
5/9/2017 08:38:15
Thank you Terry! Although my loss is small compared to that of my land lord and lady, I too feel as if my family home is gone. Me and my family have spent so many happy summer vacations here. But after the clean up, we will work on new happy memories!
marie-louise draelants
3/9/2017 19:56:16
Wat een vreselijk nieuws! gelukkig zijn jullie ongedeerd. Ik wens jullie veel sterkte en moed!
Elizabeth Braun
3/9/2017 21:42:25
Oh dear! I'm so very sorry. Hope they were well insured and glad to know no previous life was lost. ♡♡
3/9/2017 22:32:35
How awful, with very best wishes for a speedy recovery of everything the farm stands for and is used for. Makes me very sad for you.
3/9/2017 23:10:29
How sad! My very best wishes as you proceed with the recovery. I'm sure the love and support of your friends and community will give you strength for the tasks ahead.
4/9/2017 01:16:39
How awful. So pleased that everyone is safe though, including the oxen.
Erica Marsden
4/9/2017 09:16:55
Oh, Jessica - how awful for you all. I can't begin to imagine the ongoing grief. While delighted no one was hurt, I can't begin to imagine the trauma you are all undergoing. Cherish yourself as well as those around you.
4/9/2017 20:40:59
Hoi Jessica, wat n vreselijke gebeurtenis. Gelukkig dat iedereen ongedeerd is gebleven. Wel n lichtpuntje dat jij gewoon door kunt gaan met je werk n studio. Veel sterkte voor iedereen!
Elaine Cochrane
5/9/2017 01:10:12
I am so relieved that everyone is safe and that the oxen survived. How awful for your friends to lose their home and all the memories it contains.
5/9/2017 12:25:13
Hey Jessica,
5/9/2017 20:32:42
Dear Jessica,
12/9/2017 10:48:50
Oh, that must be terrible Velia! I hope you'll all stay safe.
9/9/2017 10:09:26
Ich wünsche euch und euren Gutsbesitzern, dass ihr gesund bleibt und bald neue Pläne für ein neues schönes zu Hause umgesetzt werden können. Ein Glück, dass niemand verletzt wurde (körperlich).
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