Many people visited the opening, with mulled wine and mince pies, of our Advent window yesterday. During the four weeks of Advent, each evening a decorated window is opened somewhere in Bad Bayersoien. Although refreshments are only served at openings, you can visit the windows until the 10th of January. This year, my window also contains a star, two new sheep and an angel. I hope to add a few new figures each year. Ox, donkey and at least one camel for the Magi are next on my list. It was lovely to hear all the praise for my husband's designing skills and my stitching. I apologise for the poor photo quality; the window is extremely difficult to capture. Above you can see the Holy Family stitched in a combination of traditional Schwalm white work techniques and goldwork embroidery. If you click 'Nativity' in the categories list on the right, you'll see past blog entries on the making of these figures. They are easy to stitch and the technique can be used to stitch a whole variety of figures. Easter Bunny window anyone? This will be my last blog entry for 2015. Don't worry, I'll be back in 2016! It has been a good year for me, my husband and our two dear cats. The later wracked a few things in the house and killed off a large proportion of the local fauna. Their raffinesse at combining mischief with looking adorable is unsurpassed. Me and my husband very much enjoy thinking up new embroidery designs. You will have the pleasure of seeing two new ones in the first blog post for 2016! This year I made new friends, both personal and through stitching. I very much enjoy the interaction with you, dear reader, through my blog, via email and when I teach. I treasure these pleasurable encounters. After all, blessed memories are the greatest treasure of all, don't you think? Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Pauline van den Berg
21/12/2015 11:50:58
Beste Jessica,
21/12/2015 17:12:31
Dank je wel Pauline. Jij ook fijne feestdagen en een heel gelukkig nieuw jaar! Jessica
21/12/2015 14:31:00
Leuk om je te volgen op afstand. En ook voor mij geldt: wie weet kom ik ooit je kant op voor een cursus. Liefs uit Amsterdam.
21/12/2015 17:13:29
Doen Myrte! Lijkt me reuze gezellig. Fijne feestdagen! Jessica
22/12/2015 08:21:11
Thank you Jeannette! I've just looked up your blog and added you to my feedly. Lovely work with the colourful felt and the not-so-blackwork. Take care, Jessica
Simone Schoe
22/12/2015 00:18:53
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, Jessica. Ik zou graag eens een kijkje nemen daar bij jouw... Kijk nog altijd terug op 2 hele fijne cursussen toenijp enook ik in Holland waren. Volg je blog met interesse!! Heb de boeklegger van jouw gebruikt als kerstcadeautjes voor mijn bookclub vrienden, met goedwerk en kraaltjes! Lfs Simone Perth W.A.
22/12/2015 08:22:45
Dank je wel Simone! Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe jouw boekenlegggers geworden zijn. Stuur je een keer een foto? Jullie ook fijne feestdagen en ik hoop graag nog eens tot ziens, Jessica
Maria Mulder
22/12/2015 21:35:35
Het is leuk om je te volgen in het andere land.
23/12/2015 08:10:26
Dank je wel Maria! Jullie ook fijne feestdagen. Jessica
Sue from Toronto
22/12/2015 22:03:26
23/12/2015 08:11:24
Thank you very much Sue! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours too!
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